Regional Export Council for Almaty and Almaty region.

Meeting of the Regional Export Council  Almaty city and Almaty region.

 April 14, 2023, in the city of Almaty, Phoenix Technology United LLP, represented by General Director Oleg Khrebtov, by the invitation of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty city " Atameken ", took part in the Meeting of the Regional Export Council for Almaty and Almaty region.

The meeting was attended by Vice Minister of Trade and Integration Kairat Torebaev , General Director of QazTrade JSC Nuraly Bukeikhanov, representatives of KazakhExport JSC, NCE Atameken, state and departmental organizations, exporting companies.

At the meeting of the council, representatives of exporting companies spoke about the difficulties they face when entering foreign markets. In turn, the speakers proposed ways to solve problematic issues and gave their comments, in particular, Vice Minister of Trade and Integration Kairat Torebaev, representatives of QazTrade JSC and KazakhExport ESC JSC, presented to the participants the support tools that Kazakhstani exporters can use, and also answered questions of interest.

It should be noted that exporters with the support of KazakhExport can receive pre-export financing, deferred payment insurance, bank guarantees and other services and products. In addition, KazakhExport checks the reliability of foreign counterparties when entering foreign markets.

QazTrade JSC provides expert and analytical support for the development of domestic trade to the Ministry of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstani exporters with the promotion of domestically processed goods to foreign markets, as well as for more fruitful work in Almaty and the Almaty region, opened in the city of Almaty the representation of the QazTrade JSC.

As a result of the meeting, the participants came to an agreement on close and fruitful cooperation in the field of promoting domestically processed goods to foreign markets.