Construction and installation work is the common name of all works in construction. They are in great demand in various fields. Construction and installation works include a set of works performed on the construction site during the erection of buildings and structures. The final result of the construction and installation works is a finished building or a structure put into operation.
Types of construction and installation work for the intended purpose:
New construction is the creation of a complex that will include various facilities for the main, subsidiary and maintenance purposes. In addition, the construction of new facilities on the site of existing ones after the destruction of the latter falls under this category.
Expansion - the erection of new buildings in the immediate vicinity of the enterprise, as well as the direct expansion of premises and shops. Expansion allows increasing the production capacity of any enterprise.
Reconstruction - reconstruction of existing workshops and production facilities.
Construction and installation works are divided into construction, installation and special.
General or general works - a set of works that result in unfinished construction products in the form of a "box" of a building or structure. The composition of these works includes the construction of excavations, the erection of foundations, walls, roofs, etc. The laying of electricity, the installation of heating, adjustment of ventilation, installation of water supply are all special works. In addition, all work on the construction site can be divided into three parts. The first part of the work is underground. During these works, all communications are brought to the future building, digging a pit, making a foundation, making a waterproofing of the basement, that is everything that is lower than the level of the first floor is done at the first stage of the work.
The second part of the work is aboveground. Includes erection of the entire top of the building. If the building is panel, then it is the installation of panel structures, if brick, then masonry, if wooden, then the installation of the log. In parallel, all internal communications (water supply, heating, electric, ventilation, etc., that is all what is called special works) are installed.
The third and final part of the work is finishing. The facade (painting, plastering or finishing with special materials) is being put in order, in the apartments at this time there are works on the installation of doors, windows, flooring, etc.